Dumb Dummy Of The Week - Imma Fly Anyway!

Listen people, believe it or not, it takes training to fly an airplane... It's really not a "figure it out as you go along" kind of thing.

But I guess 59-year-old Richard Jordal, had to find that out the hard way... Richard went to a Jefferson County International Airport in the state of Washington and tried to rent a plane...

Which he probably could've gotten... IF HE'D HAD A PILOTS LICENSE!!!... So they told him no, and even referred to Tailspin Tommy... Which is another small plane rental business at the airport.

And of course... They told Richard no also!

But Ol' Richard presistance didnt stop there... He went back later that night, STOLE the keys to a plane, and flew it anyway...

That's right... Richard FLEWD himself out!

Now I know what you're thinking right now... "Well maybe he knew how to fly the plane, he probably just didn't have his license"

Nope... Not at all... He CRASHED it... Over the river and through the woods... In Olympic National

Park, Which was only about a 10 to 15 minute flight... Give or take a few

It took a Navy rescue crew about 12 hours to find him... He's currently in the hospital in critical condition.

One of the employees said they watched plane’s erratic flying on the radar.

“Altitude would change dramatically from 5,000 feet to 2,000,” “Going up and down and then doing loops and twirls.”

Anyway the FBI is investigating, so he's probably gonna get charged with more that just that big azz doctor bill!

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